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A guide to navigation and search in the National Transportation Library's digital repository

Search Results

How to View Search Results

On the search results page, open a document by clicking on it's thumbnail image.


The landing page for the document contains a viewer and detailed record.  You can read and scroll through the document within the viewer.  











Documents larger than 5 mb will not load in the viewer.  Use the Download Document button to download, open and save a copy.

Understanding an Item Record in ROSA P

The Document Landing Page in ROSA P

You can view, download, print and share a document from its landing page in ROSA P.

Use the Download Document button to download, open and save a copy.

The landing page contains a viewer, details about the item, and suggestions for additional items. 

If the item is part of a research package that includes datasets or supplementary material, there will be links to the other items that belong in the package. 


















The toolbar at the top of the Document Viewer lets you search and page through the document.  The toolbar also provides options for printing, downloading, and advanced viewing.


Scroll down to see the Details part of the page.  The Details provide important information about the item and can help focus your next search.


Links to supplementary information are listed as Supporting Files, following the Details record.  These can include datasets, videos, data management plans.