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Persistent Identifiers

NTL Guide to DOIs & ORCID iDs for DOT Researchers

Getting an ORCID iD

How to get an ORCID iD

Getting an ORCID iD is a simple process that will allow researchers the ability to distinguish themselves from others. 

Registering for an ORCID iD requires only a couple pieces of information:

  • First name
  • Last name (optional)
  • Primary email
  • Additional email (optional)
  • Password
  • Choose a visibility setting

After registering for an ORCID iD, get started by adding employment, education, qualifications, works, etc. to your profile to better ensure you receive appropriate credit for each of your works.  

Multiple or Duplicate ORCID iDs

Multiple or Duplicate ORCID iDs

With the emergence of ORCID iDs into the research landscape a common issue that has occurred is the issuing of multiple ORCID iDs to a researcher. This isn’t a major issue and can be resolved easily.

ORCID does have preventative measures in place, to prevent unintentional duplicate or additional records from being created, such as:

  • Matching name and email combinations, which is why ORCID recommends connecting all related email addresses to your ORCID account.
    • After adding multiple email addresses the user can select one as the primary and determine the visibility settings for all additional emails.
  • An “Is this you?” message to the requestor with a list of potential matches to be reviewed before progressing to creating an ORCID iD.

In the case that a duplicate or additional ORCID iD is created there are a couple of simple steps to follow:

  1. Sign in to the primary account/iD that you wish to keep.
  2. Go to Account Settings
  3. Select Remove Duplicate Record
  4. Enter the sign-in details (email address or ORCID iD & password) for the record you want to deprecate*, then click Remove record.
  5. Repeat this process for each additional ORCID iD, if needed.

If you have any issues during this process contact the ORCID Support Team, for additional help.

*deprecating an account means that it will become inactive permanently, however, to ensure it remain persistent it will, in the future, redirect individuals to the ID chosen as your primary.

Additional Resources

Below are some resources from on this topic: