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TPF-5(442) Transportation Research and Connectivity Pooled Fund Study: Resource Guides

Resource Guides

 The resource guide working group is responsible for reviewing suggested guides posted at the link below and
deciding which guides might need expanding or if new guides need to be created. This 
group will be responsible for helping create more resources for the transportation research community.

The first meeting occurred on May 29th at 10:00 AM CT. The group conducted subsequent meetings and produced a survey for members to send to their research divisions to fill out. This survey is intended to find gaps in the resource guides. Once needed topics are identified, the pooled fund group may contract with researchers to create these resource guides.

The group selected three initial guides to be created by CTC. These guides were: 

After this, the group sent out a survey to select the next batch of guides for CTC to create, resulting in seven completed guides posted above. More guides will be created as pooled fund members identify topics.