What's in This Guide
Background, featured resources and related guides.
An introduction to data management.
Creating a data management plan and identifying research data.
► 2. During the Research Project
A step-by-step guide to managing research data.
Packaging data and submitting it to a repository.
National and state guidance and other resources.
National guidance and related training modules.
This Resource Guide was prepared by CTC & Associates LLC for the Transportation Research and Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(442), under the guidance of the following members of the study's technical advisory committee:
This guide is a living document that is intended to be revised and updated to incorporate new resources. To suggest a resource for inclusion, please contact one of the committee members listed above.
Publication date: December 2021.
This resource guide outlines the steps involved in making data sets from research projects publicly accessible, including a step-by-step guide for before, during and after the research process. This guide is designed for transportation researchers, especially those who need to comply with the U.S. DOT Public Access Plan for DOT-funded research projects.
This resource guide addresses:
In 2013, a White House memorandum established new requirements for improving the public’s access to the results of federally funded research, including relevant research data. The 2015 U.S. DOT Public Access Plan laid out a strategy focused on publications, data and projects, including the requirement that all U.S. DOT-funded projects follow a data management plan and submit their research data to a publicly accessible repository.
► Learn more:
These resources provide an introduction to the principles of open data and data management.
Data Best Practices and Case Studies, resource guide, Stanford University Libraries, last updated November 2021.
Create Metadata for Your Research Project, resource guide, Stanford University Libraries, last updated November 2021.
Data Management Workshop, presentation, California Digital Library, UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies, September 2018.
Workshop topics include the U.S. DOT Public Access Plan and its requirements, guidance for writing a data management plan, best practices in managing data, and archiving and publishing data.
Data Management Plan (DMP) Template for Iowa DOT Research Projects, Iowa DOT, May 2016.
► Related Resources:
The Transportation Research and Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(442), is a consortium of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other partners that supports the coordinated development of transportation libraries as well as research organizations without dedicated libraries. Study focus areas include communication and networking, digitization, research report accessibility, and developing online resource guides and a toolkit for non-librarians.
How to Share Publications and Datasets Under the USDOT Public Data Access Plan, presentation, National Transportation Library, February 2018.
Data Management Checklist, Part 5, Section 3 of TRB Webinar series "U.S. DOT Public Access Plan and Data Management Primer," 2016.
Data Management Plan (DMP) Guide
Iowa State University
Data Best Practices and Case Studies
Stanford University Libraries
ROSA P: How to Submit Datasets
National Transportation Library
Research Data Management
Texas A&M University
Data Management Plans
Northwestern University
Data Management Best Practices
University of Minnesota
Data Management Plans
California State University, Long Beach
Data Management Planning for NMSU Researchers
New Mexico State University