Everything you need to know to get started in your research.
► What is Transportation Equity?
The key issues and relevant statutes to help guide your research.
Projects that are scheduled to begin or are currently in the works.
The guiding principles and activities affecting transportation systems in the U.S.
► Equity Assessment: Measuring Access and Performance
Tools and resources for calculating the accessibility of a transportation program.
► Funding
An overview of the financing options available.
A closer look at the locations and people affected by inequitable transportation.
Ways to increase transit access in underserved communities.
Links to help you continue your research.
Transportation provides a critical part of many daily activities, such as working, shopping and visiting the doctor. Without access, those who rely on transportation systems most are restricted in their employment, healthcare and other options.
The resources provided in this guide will help the reader better understand how transportation systems—and the decisions that are made about them—affect people in underserved and underrepresented communities.
The Transportation Research and Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(442), is a consortium of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other partners that supports the coordinated development of transportation libraries as well as research organizations without dedicated libraries. Study focus areas include communication and networking, digitization, research report accessibility, and developing online resource guides and a toolkit for non-librarians.
This Resource Guide was prepared by CTC & Associates LLC for the Transportation Research and Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(442), under the guidance of the following members of the study's technical advisory committee:
This guide is a living document that is intended to be revised and updated to incorporate new resources. To suggest a resource for inclusion, please contact one of the committee members listed above.
Publication date: September 2021.