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Internet of Things in Transportation: Overview

Impacts in Transportation

The following resources provide an overview of the internet of things and its effects on transportation efficiency and safety.

National Resources

NCHRP Project 20-113A: Planning Document for Transformational Technologies Affecting Transportation report coverNCHRP Project 20-113A: Planning Document for Transformational Technologies Affecting Transportation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), 2016.

Highlights are presented of an interactive symposium established to bridge the gap between technology development and public policy.



Transformational Technologies in Transportation: State of the Activities report cover“Transformational Technologies in Transportation: State of the Activities,” Abbas Mohaddes and Peter Sweatman, Transportation Research Circular E-C208, May 2016.

Investigators explore the status and applications of transformation technologies, including the internet of things, related to transportation goods, services and systems.



Big Data's Implications for Transportation Operations report coverBig Data’s Implications for Transportation Operations: An Exploration, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, U.S. Department of Transportation, December 2014.

Researchers take a deeper dive into big data to understand its potential value in transportation operations and its implications for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Connected Vehicle Real-Time Data Capture and Management Program.


Related Resource:  Connected Vehicle Real-Time Data Capture and Management Program, U.S. Department of Transportation.

Access to the program’s research plan, progress to date and other resources is available at this website.

Featured Resource

ITS Research: Emerging and Enabling Technologies logo

Emerging and Enabling Technologies, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO), U.S. Department of Transportation.

The ITS JPO is coordinating and conducting research into emerging technologies across government, academia and the private sector to understand the potential benefits and disruptions these technologies may have on the transportation system.

 Emerging capabilities white paper

Emerging and Enabling Technologies fact sheet