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Electric Vehicles: Background


Constructing and operating EV charging infrastructure along state roadways can involve multiple federal, state and local agencies, regional partnerships, nonprofit coalitions, private industry, and others. Below you'll find a look at some of the key players as well as resources to help states plan for EV charging needs. 

Who's Involved?

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC)

The AFDC provides information, tools and resources for transportation decision makers, including maps, case studies, and a database of laws and incentives. Resources include:

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Transportation and Mobility Research

NREL researchers work to accelerate the development of sustainable mobility technologies and strategies for passenger and freight transportation. Focus areas include Electric Vehicle Grid IntegrationSustainable Mobility and Commercial Vehicle Technologies.

► NREL publications database search

Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO)

VTO supports research, development and deployment of efficient and sustainable transportation technologies, including advanced batteries and electric drive systems. Resources include:

Drive Electric USA

Funded by the U.S. DOE and led by Clean Cities Coalitions from 18 states, this project aims to accelerate EV adoption across the country. Goals include building a replication playbook based on outputs and lessons learned about how to build successful statewide EV efforts. The project's focus areas include EV charging infrastructure planning and facilitating best practices in state and local governments.

National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO): Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels

NASEO is a national nonprofit association for the governor-designated energy officials in every state or territory. Resources related to electric vehicles include:

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Alternative Fuel Corridors
The national network of alternative fuel corridors identifies alternative fueling and charging infrastructure along National Highway System corridors. 

Other FHWA resources include:

University Transportation Centers

National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST)

Zero-emission vehicle and fuel technologies is one of four themes for this national-level University Transportation Center. University of California, Davis leads the NCST consortium, with partner centers at five other universities. 

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)

NARUC Electric Vehicles State Working Group

This working group meets monthly to discuss EV regulatory topics; presentations are captured in a series of webinars. Recent topics include:

► PUC-Local Government Coordination for Transportation Electrification, August 2021.
Presentation slides | Webinar recording 

► School Bus Electrification, June 2021.
Presentation slides | Webinar recording

► Heavy-Duty Truck Charging, May 2021.
Presentation slides | Webinar recording

► Regional Coordination for Transportation Electrification, September 2020.
Presentation slides | Webinar recording

► The Utility Role in Charging Infrastructure, March 2020.
Presentation slides | Webinar recording

Electric Vehicles: Key Trends, Issues, and Considerations for State Regulators, NARUC, October 2019.

This issue brief provides data about the trends in EV adoption, a synopsis of the types of decisions public utility commissions are facing, and examples of recent state regulatory approaches to EV questions. 

► Summary presentation


Quick Reads

Summary publications that provide a quick overview of key concepts.

Electric Vehicle Basics, U.S. Department of Energy, August 2021.

A four-page fact sheet describing EV technology and its benefits, including charging options, life cycle emissions and considerations for fleet managers.

EV Planning Fact Sheet for States, U.S. Department of Energy, September 2021.

A summary of the U.S. DOE tools available to help states plan for EV charging infrastructure, including examples of state EV strategies.