Feasibility and Implications of Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment and Infrastructure Development, Federal Highway Administration, January 2015.
This report evaluates the prospects and expectations for short- and long-term deployment of plug-in electric vehicles on FHWA's mission and programs, including financial implications related to available highway revenues. The report includes four deployment case studies from Oregon, Texas, North Carolina and California.
Overcoming Barriers to Deployment of Plug-in Electric Vehicles, Transportation Research Board and National Research Council, 2015.
This report reviews the current state of the plug-in vehicle (PEV) market and charging technologies, including consumer demographics and attitudes, and examines federal, state and local policies and incentives designed to encourage PEV deployment. The report provides an in-depth discussion of charging infrastructure needs and evaluates the implications for the electricity sector.
► Five-page research brief
Electrification 2020 Annual Progress Report, U.S. Department of Energy, 2021.
An in-depth look at the state of research and development for vehicle technologies and grid infrastructure.
Zero Emission Vehicles: Forecasting Fleet Scenarios and Their Emissions Implications, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2019.
This project sought to quantify the implications of various future electric and fuel cell vehicle adoption rates in the U.S. on exhaust emissions and to give transportation agencies insight into the policy changes that could most impact zero-emissions vehicle adoption in the years ahead.
► Related Resource: Modeling files (available on the project page)