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Montana Department of Transportation Library: Home

Links to resources useful to employees of the Montana State Department of Transportation and beyond.


Welcome to the Montana Department of Transportation's LibGuide. This guide serves as a portal to the MDT library and its resources.

Hours & Contact Information

Hours: M-F, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Helena, MT
Librarian: Anders Johnson
Phone: (406) 444-0871

About the Library

The Montana Department of Transportation's (MDT) Library functions within the Department’s Research program to capture and make accessible transportation-related information, particularly that which relates to the needs of MDT staff.

Our collection contains over 20,000 titles in various formats. All of MDT’s final research reports are included, and we have a comprehensive collection of publications from the Transportation Research Board and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, as well as reports from state, national, and international transportation organizations. We also offer professional development and PE study materials.

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Please send us suggestions for links to additional websites which would be useful for MDT work.