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Extreme Event Preparedness & Response for Operations (EEPRO) LibGuide
Extreme Events
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Extreme Event Preparedness & Response for Operations (EEPRO) LibGuide: Extreme Events
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Extreme Events
Agencies / Websites
Blizzards/Winter Storms-updated
5 Steps to a Winter-Liquids Program [2013]
Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited Budgets [2015]
Anatomy of Change in Winter Maintenance [2009 PDF]
Bringing Snow Clearance In From the Cold [2012]
Cold Regions Engineering 2012: Sustainable Infrastructure Development in a Changing Cold Environment [2012 Book]
Developing a "Top Ten List" for Winter Highway Maintenance [2015 PDF]
Developing a Totally Automated Spreading System [2014 PDF]
Development of a Handbook of Best Management Practices for Road Salt in Winter Maintenance Operations [2015]
Easy-to- Read Early-Warning System [2011]
Emergency Operations Methodology for Extreme Winter Storm Events [2018]
Environmental Factors Causing Fatigue in Equipment Operators During Winter Operations [2014 PDF]
Evaluation of an Automated Bridge Anti-Icing System [2014 PDF]
Extreme Winter Lake Effect Operations and Maintenance [2013 Slidedeck]
A Guidebook for Airport Winter Operations [2015]
High-speed Train Operation in Winter Climate [2011 PDF]
Highway Winter Maintenance Operations at Extremely Cold Temperatures [2013]
How to Boost Your Road Salt, De-icing Budget [2013]
Icing Management on the Veterans' Glass City Skyway Stay Cables [2015 PDF]
Impacts of Extreme Weather on Transportation: National Symposium Summary [2013 PDF]
Maintenance Services, Transportation Weather, and Winter Maintenance [2014]
Material Spreader Use in Winter Maintenance Operations: A Survey of State Practice [2010 PDF]
Planning for & Responding to Weather [2006]
Researchers Devise Snow Ploughing Algorithm [2014]
Research on Best Practices for Winter Weather Operations [2011 PDF]
Road Weather Information System Statewide Implementation Plan [2014 PDF]
Road Weather Management Best Practices (FHWA) [2013 PDF]
Seven States Use Technology, Innovative Solutions to Combat Winter Weather [2013]
Snow and Ice Control at Extreme Temperatures [2011 PDF]
Snow and Ice Databook 2018 [2019]
Snow and Ice Performance Standards [2013 PDF]
Snow Removal at Extreme Temperatures [2013 PDF]
Snow Removal Wastewater Disposal Alternatives [2014 PDF]
Snow States Pool Funds to Solve Winter Maintenance Challenges [2014 PDF]
Snow Supporting Structures for Avalanche Hazard Reduction [2009]
Strategies for Snow and Ice Control at Extreme Temperatures: A Review of Current Practice [2014]
Study of Winter Service Management Systems and Road User Information [2012]
Surface Transportation Weather and Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology [2008 PDF]
Systems for Combating Ice on Overhead Wires [2010]
Total Liquid Routes and Anti-Icing Liquids [2013 PDF]
TRB papers on winter maintenance (2007-2021)
Winter Maintenance and Surface Transportation Weather [2012 PDF]
Winter Preparedness: Suppliers Upgrade Snow/Ice Removal, Switch Heater and Monitoring Equipment to Help Railroads Take on Whatever Winter Dishes Out [2007]
Asphalt Pavement: A Critically Important Aspect of Infrastructure Resiliency [2021]
Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes: A Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake Scenario [2013 PDF]
Development of Earthquake Emergency Response Plan for Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, Nepal [2013 PDF]
Disaster Countermeasures and Early Recovery for Existing Railway Structures [2021]
Earthquake-induced transportation disruption and economic performance: The experience of Christchurch, New Zealand [2020]
Earthquake Risk and U.S. Highway Infrastructure: [2016]
Geohazard Management in the Transport Sector [2012]
Grit, Skill and a Bit of Luck: How Alaska Repaired Major Road Damage in Record Time after a Devastating Earthquake [2019]
Investigation of potential damage to bridge infrastructure from induced earthquakes [2021]
Postearthquake reconnaissance report on transportation infrastructure impact of the February 27, 2010 offshore Maule Earthquake in Chile [2011]
Reestablishment of Transport Systems After an Earthquake and Establishment of Lifeline Systems [2010]
Repair of Earthquake-Damaged Bridge Columns with Interlocking Spirals and Fractured Bars [2014 PDF]
Agency Publications
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Survey Publications
California Earthquake Authority Research
Central US Earthquake Consortium Publications Library
FEMA's Earthquake Publications for Building Science
FEMA's Earthquake Publications for Public Policy Makers & Planners [2008]
MCEER/NCEER Publications
U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Publications
Assessing and Mitigating Electrical Fires on Transit Vehicles [2021]
Rapid Extrication of Entrapped Victims in Motor Vehicle Wreckage Using a Norwegian Chain Method: Cross-sectional and Feasibility Study [2014]
2020 Critical Update to Caltrans Wildfire Vulnerability Analysis [2021]
Safe Operation of Fire Tankers [2002 PDF]
Assessment of transportation system disruption and accessibility to critical amenities during flooding: Iowa case study [2021]
Assessment of Transportation System Vulnerabilities to Tidal Flooding in Honolulu, Hawaii [2020]
Detection and Estimation of Inundation and Associated Risks Using Traffic Monitoring Cameras and Image Processing Under Extreme Flooding Conditions [2020]
A Framework for Major Emergency Management [2015 PDF]
Highways in the river environment : floodplains, extreme events, risk, and resilience [2016]
Lessons from case studies of flood resilience: Institutions and built systems [2021]
Measuring urban road network vulnerability to extreme events: An application for urban floods [2021]
Missouri River Flood and Drought: Experts Agree the Corps Took Appropriate Action, Given the Circumstances [2014 PDF]
Practices for integrated flood prediction and response systems [2021]
Stemming the Tide of Flood Losses: Stories of Success from the History of Missouri's Flood Mitigation Program [2000 PDF]
Testing of Full-Scale Inflatable Plug for Flood Mitigation in Tunnels [2014 PDF]
Urban Transportation System Flood Vulnerability Assessment with Special Reference to Low Income and Minority Neighborhoods [2020]
Utilizing Graceful Failure As An Opportunity for Flood Mitigation Downstream to Protect Communities and Infrastructure [2020]
Weather-Responsive Management Strategies (WRMS) for Flood Management in Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska [2020]
Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods-updated
Better Data and Guidance Needed to Improve Pipeline Operator Incident Response [2013 PDF]
A Compendium of Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Improving Local Community Recovery from Disastrous Hazardous Materials Transportation Incidents [2012]
Conrail Freight Train Derailment with Vinyl Chloride Release, Accident Report [2014 PDF]
Designing a Safe and Fair Network for Hazmat Road Transportation [2020]
Guidebook for Conducting Local Hazardous Materials Commodity Flow Studies [2011]
A Guide for Assessing Community Emergency Response Needs and Capabilities for Hazardous Materials Releases [2011]
A Guide for Communicating Emergency Response Information for Natural Gas and Hazardous Liquids Pipelines [2014]
Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk Assessment: State of the Practice [2013]
Marine Highway Transport of Toxic Inhalation Hazard Materials [2012]
Pipeline Accident Report: Rupture of Hazardous Liquid Pipeline With Release and Ignition of Propane [2009]
Preparing for LNG by Rail Tank Car: A Review of a U.S. DOT Safety Research, Testing, and Analysis Initiative [2021]
A Security Vulnerability Analysis Model for Dangerous Goods Transportation by Rail – Case Study: Chlorine Transportation in Texas-Illinois [2018]
Hurricane Dorian
Hurricane Dorian satellite image captured on 9/6/2019
Assessing Disaster Impacts on Highways Using Social Media: Case Study of Hurricane Harvey [2020]
Developing City-Wide Hurricane Impact Maps using Real-Life Data on Infrastructure, Vegetation and Weather [2021]
Emergency Transportation Relief: Agencies Could Improve Collaboration Begun During Hurrican Sandy Response [2014 PDF]
Engineering and Organizational Issues Before, During and After Hurricane Katrina [2007 PDF]
Evaluation of Disconnect Boxes and Signal Heads for Hurricane Resistance [2013 PDF]
Federal and State Partners Collaborate to Help Communities Reduce Potential Impacts, but Significant Challenges Remain [2006 PDF]
From Hurricane Katrina to Hurricane Harvey: Actions, Issues, and Lessons Learned in Transportation and Logistics Efforts for Emergency Response [2019]
Hurricane Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Bridges in Georgia [2017]
The Impacts of Increased Adverse Weather Events on Freight Movement [2020]
Evaluates response systems and resilience of port truck activities during severe weather events such as Hurricane Harvey.
Learning from Japan's Ordeal [2012]
Lessons We Don't Learn: A Study of the Lessons of Disasters, Why We Repeat Them, and How We Can Learn Them [2006]
Post Hurricane Sandy Transportation Resilience Study in NY, NJ, and CT [2017]
Rebuilding Surface, Maritime, and Air Transportation in Puerto Rico After Hurricanes Irma and Maria [2020]
Statewide After-Action Report: Cascadia Rising 2016 Exercise [2016 PDF]
Strengthening Post-Hurricane Supply Chain Resilience: Observations from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria [2021]
Structural Measures against Tsunamis [2013]
Tsunamis: Is the U.S. Prepared? [2005]
Assessing potential likelihood and impacts of landslides on transportation network vulnerability [2020]
Development of a Statewide Landslide Inventory Database [2020]
Devil’s Slide Tunnel [2013]
Enhanced Assessment of Projected Landslide Activity Under Precipitation and Seismicity [2021]
Evaluation of Debris Flow Removal Protocol, Mitigation Methods, and Development of a Field Data Sheet [2006 PDF]
Innovative Monitoring Strategies for Managing Hazardous Slopes [2020]
Innovative Slide Repair Techniques Guidebook for Missouri [2012 PDF]
A Landslide Hazard Rating System for Colorado Highways [2014]
Landslides: Global Risk Preparedness [2013]
Measuring the Impact of a Landslide on Transportation Infrastructure to Improve Mobility and Safety [2019]
Modelling the Subsurface Geomorphology or an Active Landslide Using LIDAR [2014 PDF]
Triggering Mechanisms of the Landslide and Rockfall Events of the Historic February 2019 Rainfall Event in the Tennessee Valley [2019]
Oil trains-updated
Citizen scientists documenting hazardous materials shipments on American railroads [2020]
Crude Oil Characterization Research Study: Report to Congress [2020]
Investigation of United States Rail-Based Crude Oil Incidents: Types and Consequences of Crude Oil Release [2018]
Oil Train Derailment in West Virginia Renews Safety Questions [2015]
Safely Transporting Hazardous Liquids and Gases in a Changing U.S. Energy Landscape [2018]
States, Railroads Work to Improve Oil-Train Safety [2015]
The Ticking Rail Car: First Responders Are Preparing for the Worst [2015]
Trains Plus Crude Oil Equals Trouble Along the Tracks [2015]
COVID-19 Addendum to Critical Issues in Transportation [2021]
COVID-19 and transport: a compendium [2021]
COVID-19 Impacts on the Trucking Industry [2020]
COVID-19 Pandemic: Observations on the Ongoing Recovery of the Aviation Industry [2021]
COVID-19: Initial Impacts and Responses to the Pandemic From Road and Transport Agencies [2020]
Factors associated with differences in initial pandemic preparedness and response: Findings from a nationwide survey in the United States [2021]
A Guide to Transportation's Role in Pubic Health Disasters [2006 PDF]
A Pandemic Playbook for Transportation Agencies [2021]
Quarantine Facilities for Arriving Air Travelers: Identification of Planning Needs and Costs [2008]
Research on the Transmission of Diseases in Airports and on Aircraft [2010]
State EMS System Pandemic Influenza Preparedness [2009 PDF]
Train Wrecks and Track Attacks: An Analysis of Attempts by Terrorists and Other Extremists to Derail Trains or Disrupt Rail Transportation [2018]
Vulnerability of the worldwide air transportation network to global catastrophes such as COVID-19 [2021]
"Smashing Into Crowds" -- An Analysis of Vehicle Ramming Attacks [2019]
Best Practices in Anti-Terrorism Security (“BPATS”) for Sporting and Entertainment Venues [2016]
The Challenge of Protecting Transit and Passenger Rail: Understanding How Security Works Against Terrorism [2017]
Cybersecurity in ports and maritime industry: Reasons for raising awareness on this issue [2021]
A Guide to Updating Highway Emergency Response Plans for Terrorist Incidents [2002 PDF]
How Sophisticated are Terrorist Attacks on Passenger Rail Transportation [2020]
Improving the resilience of metro vehicle and passengers for an effective emergency response to terrorist attacks [2014]
Major Incidents That Shaped Aviation Security [2019]
Metal Against Marchers: An Analysis of Recent Incidents Involving Vehicle Assaults at U.S. Political Protests and Rallies [2020]
Protecting the Homeland Against MUMBAI Style Attacks and the Threat from of Rom Ashkar- E -Taiba [2013]
SecureStation: Passenger station and terminal design for safety, security and resilience to terrorist attack [2014]
Securing Public Transportation Systems An Integrated Decision Analysis Framework for the Prevention of Terrorist Attacks as Example [2017]
Securing Transportation Systems [2015]
Security Measures in the Commercial Trucking and Bus Industries [2003 PDF]
Security Risks in the Trucking Sector [2020]
A Self-Study Course on Terrorism-Related Risk Management of Highway Infrastructure [2005]
Transportation Security: Background and Issues for the 117th Congress [2021]
10 Ways to Improve Tornado Response
The calculation of train stability in tornado winds [2018]
Decision Making by Austin, Texas, Residents in Hypothetical Tornado Scenarios [2010]
Tornadoes : wicked whirlwinds can wreak havoc on airports and aircraft [2020]
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