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Extreme Event Preparedness & Response for Operations (EEPRO) LibGuide: About This Guide

Purpose of this Guide

This guide contains resources in best practices in emergency transportation operations. It is intended for first-responders, planners, managers, and policy makers for emergency preparedness and response in the United States at federal, state, and local levels. 


Guide Authors

This guide is maintained by National Transportation Knowledge Network (NTKN) members. It was originally created by librarians from the Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network (now part of the NTKN) including Lynn Matis (Massachusetts DOT Library); Jane Minotti (formerly New York State DOT Research Library; Carol Paszamant (New Jersey DOT Research Library); and Laura Whayne (formerly Kentucky Transportation Research Center).





State DOT Extreme Events

Learn More about a TKN

TKN stands for "Transportation Knowledge Network," a group of regional transportation libraries and organizations formed to increase access to transportation information and provide cost-effective, new and improved services for member libraries and their users. This video explains the roles of the three regional Transportation Knowledge Networks.