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US DOT History

A guide to the history of the US Department of Transportation

Digitized Collections

Icon for the Civil Aeronautics Regulations collection Civil Aeronautics Regulations, 1930-1968

Digitized copies of United States “Civil Aeronautics Regulations” reports, dating from 1930 to 1968. 

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 Civil Aeronautics Manuals, 1938-1962

Digitized copies of Civil Aeronautics Manuals published from 1938 through 1962 by the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). Established by the 1938 Civil Aeronautics Act, CAB responsibilities included safety rulemaking, accident investigation, and economic regulation of the airlines. 

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Icon for FTA 50th Anniversary collection  FTA 50th Anniversary Collection, circa 1947-2001

This collection contains about 500 documents gathered and digitized in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Urban Mass Transportation Act, signed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964 to achieve, in his words, "better systems for getting our people to work and home again—and getting them there with speed and safety and economy and comfort." 

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 U.S. Coast Guard Circulars, 1960-2000

Digitized copies of US Coast Guard Circulars, dating from 1960-2000.  A Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) provides detailed guidance about the enforcement or compliance with certain Federal marine safety regulations and Coast Guard marine safety programs. 

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Icon for Investigations of Aircraft Accidents collection


  Investigations of Aircraft Accidents, 1934-1965


Digitized copies of United States "Civil Aeronautics Board Aircraft Accident Reports," dating from 1934 to 1965.

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Icon for Investigations of Railroad Accidents collection Investigations of Railroad Accidents, 1911-1993

Digitized copies of the United States Interstate Commerce Commission railroad accident reports, dating from 1911 to 1993.

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Icon for Papers by Turner, Fairbank and MacDonald collection 

 Papers by Fairbank, Turner and MacDonald, 1919-1971


Digitized copies of papers by Herbert S. Fairbank, civil engineer at the Bureau of Public Roads; Frank Turner, former head of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); and engineer and politician Thomas Harris MacDonald, former head of the Bureau of Public Roads. Papers include manuscripts, presentations, speeches and articles.

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National Conference on Street and Highway Safety, 1926-1936

Reports from the Committee on Uniform Traffic Regulation on meetings held from 1926 to 1938.

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Public Roads Magazine Public Roads Magazine, 1918-1994

Digitized copies of Public Roads, dating from 1918-to 1994, a quarterly magazine of the Federal Highway Administration,  Issues published in 1995 and later are available here:

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