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Research Implementation Toolbox: Getting Started

What's in This Guide

Getting Started

Key resources that provide an overview of the topic.

Best Practices

Effective strategies drawn from recent research.

National Guidance

Resources from FHWA, AASHTO and TRB.

State Resources

Selected state research, guidance documents, and forms and templates.

Funding Sources

A look at how states fund implementation through SPR, NCHRP, STIC and other programs.

Additional Resources

About the Pooled Fund

Transportation Research and Connectivity logo

The Transportation Research and Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(442), is a consortium of state DOTs and other partners that supports the coordinated development of transportation libraries as well as research organizations without dedicated libraries. Study focus areas include communication and networking, digitization, research report accessibility, and developing online resource guides and a toolkit for non-librarians.

This guide provides resources for state departments of transportation (DOTs) in managing the implementation of research results. These resources include:

  • In-depth guidance documents.
  • A summary of funding options. 
  • Case studies of effective state implementation practices.
  • Forms, templates and manuals that guide states' programs. 

Selected Resources

Recent high-value resources that compile and discuss effective implementation strategies.

NCHRP Project 20-44(21): Synthesis of State Peer Exchanges and RPPM, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), November 2020.

Best practices for implementing transportation research were assessed through a survey of state DOT research program managers, a review of more than 30 peer exchange reports, and an examination of states' implementation plans, manuals, forms and other materials.

State DOT Research Implementation Strategies: Best Practices, NCHRP, July 2020.

An eight-page synthesis of top strategies identified through NCHRP Project 20-44(21) (see above).


Active Implementation at the National Cooperative Highway Research Program: Frameworks for Moving Research into PracticeTR News, July/August 2017.

Article describing NCHRP's systematic “active implementation” approach, which builds on a solid implementation infrastructure, dedicated funding and expertise, and implementation teams. 

Selected State Forms and Templates

Florida DOT Implementation Template (2014)

Illinois DOT Implementation Planning Worksheet (2014)

Montana DOT Implementation Planning and Documentation Form (2018)

Authors and Contributors

This Resource Guide was prepared by CTC & Associates LLC for the Transportation Research and Connectivity pooled fund study, TPF-5(442), under the guidance of the following members of the study's technical advisory committee:

This guide is a living document that is intended to be revised and updated to incorporate new resources. To suggest a resource for inclusion, please contact one of the committee members listed above.

Publication date: September 2021.