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Bicycle & Pedestrian Transportation (Minnesota Department of Transportation): Get Started

Bicycle & Pedestrian Transportation

Integrating pedestrian and bicycle planning into transportation planning is essential in creating sustainable, livable communities. On this guide you will find information about bike and pedestrian trails and routes, safety, maps and more. 

Library Resources

Authors & Contributors

MnDOT Library

​MnDOT Library

Moving Knowledge
Sheila Hatchell, Library Director
Jim Byerly, Electronic Resources Librarian
Karen Neinstadt, Reference and Outreach Librarian
Marilee Tuite, Reference and Digital Services Librarian

Qin Tang, Technical Services Librarian
Email Us

Tel:  651-366-3791 • 
Fax:  651-366-3789 

MnDOT Library

Mission: MnDOT Library advances your knowledge with timely, direct, and cost-effective connections to the
information you need to provide
the highest quality transportation systems.


The Library is currently closed to the public due to COVID-19

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