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Online Training Resources for Transportation Employees: Home

Online Training Resources

This guide lists free or low-cost resources for providing continuing education opportunities for transportation professionals.  Additional content can be submitted to:

Laura Wilt, MLS
Librarian, Oregon Department of Transportation


The LibGuide platform is made available through the National Transportation Library and the National Transportation Knowledge Network.

Webinars and Presentations Offered by Organizations

Organization Notes Link PDH?
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Free for members.  Archived webinars are available, but PDHs not given for these.

Available for registered attendees on live webinars
National Highway Institute (NHI) Most of the web-based training courses are free.  Other training formats are hosted and scheduled    Yes; varies by course length 
American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Some of the TC3 courses are free of charge; others have a cost Yes
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) There is a cost for the courses, although there is a discount for members  Yes
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Archived webinars are free.  Online learning courses are $29.00/members, $39.00 others

Available for online learning courses
American Water Works Association (AWWA)

$75.00 for members

$120.00 for non-members  Yes
American Public Works Association (APWA) Click, Listen and Learn webinars are free to members, $99.00 for non-members.  Cost for other e-courses varies For most courses
Geological Society of America Webinars are free through June   
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Open access courses and webinars