The Oregon Department of Transportation Transportation Data Section is evaluating their current methods of gathering and processing traffic count data. This guide provides a sampling of state DOT traffic monitoring program web pages, results from a survey to state DOTs, and a listing of resources, including reports, articles and documents related to the gathering, processing and use of traffic count information.
This guide is produced through a platform provided by the National Transportation Library, and is maintained by the Western Transportation Knowledge Network (WTKN)
Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) with Loop
Class Count Tubes
Installing camera for short-term count
Laura Wilt, MLIS
Librarian, Oregon Dept. of Transportation
This guide is a product of the the Western Transportation Knowledge Network (WTKN), a diverse group of transportation organizations from AASHTO Region 4 focused on improving the access to transportation information, data and research to help the entire community. Membership includes libraries representing state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), academic institutions, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and private industry. Learn more about us.
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