The ODOT Library maintains subscriptions that are available to all Oregon Department of Transportation employees. These are IP authenticated, so must be accessed from ODOT computers - although some also require a user name and password for customized features. This information can also be found on the ODOT Library website.
The Oregon State Library maintains a number of resources aimed at helping state employees with their daily jobs, as well as assisting with professional development and skills enhancement. Their online catalog allows users to see print publications and videos from this collection, and other resources can be accessed through the database portal. In order to use the resources, state employees must first register at the State Employee Information Center . This portal also gives access to the library catalog, and allows the user to request library materials and reference assistance. Some of the databases available:
Safari Books Online: Collection of electronic books, videos and tutorials on a broad range of subjects including professional development, programming languages, engineering and project development.
Books 24/7: Another collection of electronic books featuring technical and professional development topics. This database does not have a PDF option.
EBSCO: Full-text electronic reference books covering a breadth of subjects areas
GALE: Database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources.
JSTOR: Digital library of academic journals and books.
Scopus: Offered through Elsevier, this database offers abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature in science, technology and medicine. Does not offer full-text access to most results.
Reference USA: Offers current information on businesses, locations and people.
Sanborn Maps (OR): Sanborn Fire Insurance maps provided detailed neighborhood information on cities throughout the state from 1867 - 1970.
Statistical Datasets: Statistical Datasets enables researchers to build statistical tables and charts from multiple sources in a single interface.
Historical Oregonian: Full-text of the Oregonian 1961-1987.