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Mission Statements - State DOTs: AASHTO Region 1 States

AASHTO Region ! States

This AASHTO region includes the New England states, and extends as far south as Maryland.

Map: AASHTO Agency Administration Managing Committee




It is the Mission of the Connecticut Department of Transportation to provide a safe, efficient, and cost-effective transportation system that meets the mobility needs of its users.


  • To strive to identify, analyze, and continually improve the way we do our work so that we may deliver better products and services, and improve our work environment.
  • To operate the Department with maximum efficiency, so as to create additional resources for investment in the transportation infrastructure.
  • To maintain the transportation system to ensure continued high levels of safety and mobility.
  • To maximize the utilization and efficient operation of existing transportation assets.
  • To focus our human and financial resources on priorities established through an ongoing, analytical planning process that continually asks the question, What should the DOT do next to fulfill the Mission?
  • To invest in projects that ensure safety, maintain the existing transportation infrastructure, increase the productivity of the transportation system, promote economic development, and provide necessary capacity enhancements.
  • To utilize all available federal and state funds.
  • To seek to protect and enhance the natural environment as we develop transportation improvements.
  • To engage stakeholders in a consultative process from the earliest stages of project development.


MaineDOT's mission

To responsibly provide our customers the safest and most reliable transportation system possible, given available resources.

MaineDOT Goals

  1. MANAGE THE EXISTING SYSTEM: Effectively manage Maine's existing transportation system for safety and effectiveness within reliable funding levels.
  2. SUPPORT ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY: Wisely invest available resources to support economic opportunity for our customers.
  3. BUILD TRUST: Demonstrate our core values of integrity, competence, and service, both individually and organizationally.


Mission Statement:

The Maryland Department of Transportation is a customer-driven leader that delivers safe, sustainable, intelligent, and exceptional transportation solutions in order to connect our customers to life's opportunities.

Vision Statement: 

To provide a safe, well-maintained, reliable highway system that enables mobility choices for all customers and supports Maryland’s communities, economy and environment.

Value Statement:


We do the right thing even when it is not easy.


We respect, collaborate with, and listen to each other.


We work together to advance solutions for the organization.


We do what we say we are going to do.


Our mission is to deliver excellent customer service to people traveling in the Commonwealth by providing transportation infrastructure which is safe, reliable, robust and resilient. We work to provide a transportation system which can strengthen the state’s economy and improve the quality of life for all.

New Hampshire

Mission: Transportation excellence enhancing the quality of life in New Hampshire.

Purpose: Transportation excellence in New Hampshire is fundamental to the state's sustainable economic development and land use, enhancing the environment, and preserving the unique character and quality of life. The Department will provide safe and secure mobility and travel options for all of the state's residents, visitors, and goods movement, through a transportation system and services that are well maintained, efficient, reliable, and provide seamless interstate and intrastate connectivity.

New Jersey

Mission Statement

NJDOT will provide a world class transportation system that:

  • Enhances the quality of life for residents and traveling public
  • Achieves consistent progress through focuses investments in keeping infrastructure in a State of Good Repair
  • Simulates and sustains smart development and economic growth
  • Employs the latest technologies to adapt to changing conditions and environments
  • Respects and protects the distinctive and delicate character of the State’s natural resources
  • Eagerly embraces its role as a customer service organization

New York

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the New York State Department of Transportation to ensure our customers - those who live, work and travel in New York State -- have a safe, efficient, balanced and environmentally sound transportation system.  

Five Priority Results

Our customers: 

  1. Want to enhance their mobility and have reliable, predictable trips for themselves or in the movement of their goods; 
  2. Expect both the infrastructure and its users to contribute to the physical safety of people and their goods while in transit;  
  3. Recognize the critical relationship between a mature, multi-modal transportation system and the state's economic vitality. They see viable transportation options as essential to both economic sustainability and livability of their communities, both Upstate and Downstate;
  4. Expect the transportation infrastructure to be secure from external threat or potential abuse; and
  5. See the impact of transportation-related decisions at both macro and micro levels affecting the environment and expect the system to more than mitigate transportation's impact.   



To provide a sustainable transportation system and quality services that are embraced by our communities and add value to our customers.


Safety — We promote the delivery of a safe work environment and a safe transportation system in our products and services.

Modernization — We consistently evaluate our processes and procedures to encourage innovation and remain competitive.

Customer Service — We are committed to providing the highest level of public service and value to our customers.

Communication — We are committed to effective communication with our customers, employees, and the legislature.

Workforce Development — We value and respect one another while promoting teamwork and workforce development.


A better quality of life built on transportation excellence.

Rhode Island

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation is to provide, maintain and secure an intermodal transportation network that increases the mobility opportunities for the movement of people and goods with the goals of enabling economic development and improving quality of life.

Vision Statement:

RIDOT will be viewed as a responsive, innovative, performance-based steward of the Rhode Island transportation system, adding value to all stakeholders


RIDOT seeks to implement its mission through policy and action, with particular emphasis on the following goals:

  • Promote mobility for people and goods through a balanced, multi-modal transportation system.


  • Direct investment and development to existing communities, urban concentrations, and designated economic growth areas.
  • Develop methods for assessing the fiscal impact and cost-benefit analysis of development for use by both state and local governments when considering infrastructure investments and land-use policies.
  • Encourage redevelopment and improve livability of existing communities and urban areas; and guide new employment to under-used commercial and industrial sites.
  • Obtain sufficient state funding within a dedicated Transportation Trust Fund.
  • Attain and then maintain an appropriate level of system preservation or service to our customers.
  • Look for and participate in opportunities for public/private cost sharing projects.
  • Deliver operating systems, services, programs, and projects in the most cost-effective manner possible.
  • Make public participation and a customer service focus, integral parts of the development of RIDOT programs, projects, and services.
  • Make media awareness and public participation a focus that is integrated with RIDOT's programs, projects and services via the Communications, Community Affairs, and the Transportation Management Center.
  • Provide employees with opportunities to enhance their level of preparedness and performance so they can do the best job possible in the duties they are assigned.



Through excellent customer service, provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.


A safe, reliable, and multimodal transportation system that grows the economy, is affordable to use and operate, and serves vulnerable populations. 

Strategic Goals 


GOAL ONE: Promote organizational excellence by attracting, developing, and retaining a talented, diverse, and engaged workforce.

GOAL TWO: Grow Vermont’s economy by providing a safe, reliable, and efficient transportation system in a state of good repair.

GOAL THREE: Make Vermont more affordable and serve the vulnerable by providing accessible, convenient, and affordable travel choices.

GOAL FOUR: Transition to an energy efficient, advanced technology transportation system.

GOAL FIVE: Modernize and improve government efficiency through innovation, continuous improvement, and quality customer service.